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CCB Loyalty Cards
Grab a CCB loyalty card today! This is our way of saying thank you for supporting Charlotte Case and loyally shopping with us!
Wondering about our loyalty cards? This is the page your looking for!
Can't find the answer to your question? Feel free to contact us, we'd be happy to answer it for you!
CCB Loyalty Card- How it works:
1. Grab a loyalty card when you spend $25+ on a purchase (online or in store)
2. On your next purchase you can begin receiving 1 punch for every $50 you spend (example: $200 spent = 4 punches)
3. Redeem a $15 voucher on your next purchase after filling your card (redeemable in store only)!
4. Receive a new loyalty card once your current one is full!
Important to note:
Your loyalty card must be physically present in store to receive punches or redeem a voucher.
Store pickup orders can receive punches when you come in to pick up your order!
We do not replace lost loyalty cards. In the event of a lost and, you must complete a purchase of $25+ to receive a new loyalty card.
Loyalty card vouchers are redeemable in store only. You CAN redeem multiple vouchers on one purchase.
Loyalty card punches will be punched for the total amount of a purchase AFTER any discount is given.
Will I get a Loyalty Card if I place an order for shipping?
You will receive a Loyalty card in your online shipping order if your order is $25+ before shipping costs. In order for your loyalty card to be punched on any future purchases, you must either make purchases in store or set orders for online pickup. Unfortunately we cannot grant punches on loyalty cards if the card is not physically present in our store front so any future shipping orders after receiving a loyalty card, will not be able to receive punches unless you are making a purchase in store or picking up an online store pickup order!
What if I lost my Loyalty Card?
We are not able to replace your lost loyalty card. To receive a new loyalty card, you must make a purchase of $25 or more.​
Can I redeem multiple Loyalty card vouchers on one purchase?
Yes, you can redeem multiple $15 vouchers on one purchase. Please consider if you were to return any items in the purchase, your loyalty card Vouchers will not be replenished. They are a one time use.
If I fill my Loyalty Card, can I use my vouchers on that same purchase?
You will have to wait until the following purchase to redeem your loyalty card voucher after filling a card.
What if I fill my card during a purchase but my purchase total allows me more punches than it takes to fill my card?
If you fill your loyalty card during a purchase and still have the ability to receive more punches, we will give you a new loyalty card and finish out the rest of your punches on the new card. You can bring the full loyalty card to use on your next purchase, as well as the new partly punched card to receive more punches in the future.
Can I get my $15 voucher back if I return an item?
We do not refund $15 vouchers in the event of a return. We will refund the total of your items after the discount of your punch card (the actual amount of money you spent will be refunded)